Some of your marketing strategy has already been determined during the feasibility stage. As discussed previously, your feasibility analysis should include demographical information about your target market, whether you’ll be selling off the plan or once the project is completed, and also an expected end sales realisation for your development project. The type of development will largely determine the marketing strategy you employ and whether you focus on local, domestic or international markets for interest.
A great sales and marketing campaign will be bespoke to the project and tailored to your target market. It will be made up of a good mix of traditional advertising mediums, such as great property photos, signboards, flyers and print advertising, along with a robust digital strategy utilising property-listing websites, owned media, email marketing and electronic direct mail (EDM), relevant online publications and social media.
If you’d like assistance determining and executing your marketing strategy, or if you’re looking for a dynamic agency to manage sales off the plan, call us today.