Kellyville – Dual occupancy proposal
Location: Kellyville, NSW
Land size: 1066m2
Zoning: R2 Low density residential
Development: Creation of a dual occupancy proposal with a second brand new four bedroom dwelling at the rear of the existing cottage resulting in two dwellings sharing one title.
Rental yield: Combined rental return of $1370 per week.
Kings Plains Estate – 55 acre ‘Rural lifestyle’ land subdivision
Location: Kings Plains (near Blayney, NSW)
Land size: 55 acres
Zoning: RU1 Primary production
Development: Land subdivision and creation of seven ‘Rural Llifestyle’ allotments ranging in size from 2500m2 up to 17 acres using the provisions of the ‘existing holding clause’
Sales realisation: All allotments were sold with prices ranging from $140,000 – $259,000 per allotment.
Oliver Heights Estate – 4 residential allotment house and land subdivision
Location: Blayney, NSW
Land size: 3810m2
Zoning: R1 General residential
Development: Creation of four residential allotments ranging in size from 800m2 up to 1170m2. The existing house was subdivided resulting in a residue land size of 800m2 and three new allotments created – 920m2, 920m2 and 1170m2. A new four bedroom dwelling was constructed on lot three and sold
Sales realisation: $85,000 land sale per allotment and $380,000 (house and land sale)
Lane Street – 2 residential allotment house and land subdivision
Location: Blayney, NSW
Land size: 1942m2
Zoning: R1 General residential
Development: Land subdivision and creation of two residential allotments each 970m2 in size. Two brand new four-bedroom houses were constructed and sold as house and land packages.
Sales realisation: $340,000 per house and land package