Discover property for sale in Schofields. The suburb Schofields is located in the North West Priority Growth Area in Blacktown’s Local Government Area, Sydney. Schofields’ current population (as recorded in 2016) is 4983 people. The median property pricing for houses for sale in Schofields (since October 2017) is $886,666. The median rent paid per rental property is $590 per week. If you are looking to find available property for sale in the Schofields area, there is a total of 1232 houses and 260 terraces and townhouses located within the suburb. 309 of these properties have been classified as ‘rentals’ as recorded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2016, Census data). The real estate demand for Schofields’ property sales suggests that around 237 people per month are searching online for available properties for sale in the Schofields area. With increased greenfield development and revitalisation of the precinct, Schofields will now be home to an additional 2,950 new houses, local establishments and buildings. All of which will be close to multiple transport services and other developments including:
- 61 hectares of conservation land, situated along the Eastern Creek
- 31 hectares of open space and recreation areas
- Retail space in three different neighbourhood centres
- A potential public transport corridor linking Schofields station to Rouse Hill
- Upgrades to key roads
- Improved connections to encourage walking and cycling
- The new developments will also help to create employment for locals
The Schofields precinct provides 465 hectares of land and is bounded by Eastern Creek to the north and west, Quakers Hill Parkway to the south, and the Richmond Railway line to the east.
If you require professional real estate services and expert advice about property sales in the Schofields area, the Urban Greenfield team are happy to assist you in this process. Whether you’re an owner of property and looking to sell, or looking to buy real estate in the Schofields area including houses, land or potential development sites, the Urban Greenfield team can help deliver you the best possible results.