‘No two property developments are ever the same… just like our approach…’
Let us provide you with a bespoke property strategy, sound and informed recommendations to help you achieve the highest return, resulting in the greatest financial reward on your property investment. Our services are flexible and are can be customised to your needs. Specialising in rural and small-scale residential land subdivisions, our property development services include:
Detailed feasibility analysis and scenario planning
Whether your vision is to buy, sell, submit a DA for subdivision, enter a joint venture partnership or maybe even commit to an option agreement, we can provide unparalleled advice every step of the way. We are able to deliver expert in-depth feasibility analysis, financial modeling and detailed enquiry for every scenario you are likely to pursue. After all, there is no point spending endless hours of time and money to realise your proposed property development is not even financially viable. History suggests crunching the numbers on the back of an envelope might be an ok place to start, but REAL success in property development is founded on the principles associated with comprehensive feasibility analysis; a critical step that can’t be overlooked.
Due diligence and management of planning activities
Conduct due diligence planning analysis by understanding your site’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and constraints. Remember, if your detailed feasibility analysis indicates your project or development is commercially viable then it is time to consider the highest and best use of your site. We mitigate the risk and maximise your profits by thoroughly evaluating all planning and zoning requirements. We systematically analyse all possible development considerations, whilst engaging our team of experts to consult and communicate your development proposal to local or state authorities; hence ensuring your development receives a favourable outcome.
Management and coordination of all logistics
From project inception through to completion, we pride ourselves on being able to effectively liaise and co-ordinate your property development aspirations with industry experts including; town planners, surveyors, subdivision engineers, biodiversity and vegetation consultants right through to approving authorities at council. Specifically, we are meticulous with the DA planning, application, submission and ongoing verification phases of the DA application process to ensure the best chance of receiving development approval. We can also act as an intermediary liaison coordinator to ensure the timely provision of services such as sewer, water, electricity, gas, telecommunications networks, roads, and other infrastructure requirements to service your proposed development.
Finance partners and joint venture arrangements
We assist you to connect with investors, joint venture or money partners to help finance your project. As with any potential property development transaction, the mitigation and management of financial risk is a fundamental consideration for all stakeholders involved in the property development deal. In determining and evaluating the financial considerations and lending options used to fund the project, identification and implementation of financial risk management strategies should be identified right from the outset. This will ensure all contributors are aware of appropriate mixes of debt and equity which are never the same for any two property development transactions. The main objective with understanding finance partners and lending considerations is to mitigate the financial risk of the development to as low as reasonably practicable.
Take your property to market
Our experts will create a unique and robust marketing campaign to ensure your property sells at or above current market value. With the new frontier of digital marketing very much at the forefront of property transactions, we will take the time and make the effort to ensure your development is showcased to the world through innovative strategies. These are not limited to, but can include, 3D visuals and renders, aerial drone imagery, video tours over the site and search engine marketing across a range of property and investor focused sites. Our social media feeds will reach out to our ever-growing social community network to ensure our content is conversational, whilst still communicating the Urban Greenfield brand. Our commitment to tap into the overseas investor market has never been so driven, so it is vital we understand, but at the same time respect the cultural sensitivities of our target marketing.