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The Minister for Planning and Public Spaces announces new approach to precinct planning in New South Wales

A new approach to precinct planning has been developed to provide certainty and a way forward for precinct planning in the future. The New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry and Environment are working to centre the planning system around people, places, public spaces and the environment, putting greater responsibility for planning in the hands of councils and their local communities.

The decision follows a Department of Planning Industry and Environment review in partnership with the Greater Sydney Commission and Government Architect, in which the review found that the Department could better target its role in the delivery of precincts, by giving councils and communities a greater say while allowing the Department a more focused set of priorities for better outcomes.

Local councils will be empowered to plan for their local areas because they know their people and communities best. The Department will continue to support and collaborate with each council to deliver great places while remaining focused on strategic issues and getting a coordinated approach from State agencies.

The precinct planning pathways

Within the new approach are four pathways, as well as planning for the Aerotropolis, to progress the 51 existing precincts in Greater Sydney. The Department will support each council individually throughout the transition of each precinct into one of the four pathways;

State-led strategic planning

These projects will involve early investigations and high-level strategic planning work led by the Department, to inform future rezoning processes.

Collaborative planning between the State and councils

In these precincts the Department will play a coordination role to facilitate collaborative partnerships between the Department and council to resolve complex issues involving other state agencies.

Subsequent rezonings will generally be implemented by council, although in certain cases they could become State-led.

State-led rezoning

State-led rezonings under the new approach will be focussed on where there is a strategic imperative for DPIE to lead, including places with current or future city-shaping infrastructure and investment and where the state has the opportunity to create great public spaces.

Council-led rezoning

The new approach provides an opportunity for councils to progress and lead rezoning in some of the existing precincts. These areas are those where councils are best-placed to deliver the detailed planning within their communities.

Download here: Precinct Pathways

Credit: New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry and Environment

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